Concept of “True Health” is comprised of various aspects of health; physical, spiritual, mental and financial. I believe that in order to achieve a true definition of “health” all of these four components must be in harmony, resulting in what he defined as True Health.
Most of the time our focus is put on the physical aspect of True Health, as it seems to be one of the areas where most people are having serious problems. However, we are discovering more and more that the financial health of most people is also in serious doubt. So, today we will discuss the aspect of Financial Health and why it is just as important as Physical Health when it comes to achieving our own True Health!
For most folks, improved financial health is a gateway to achieving other goals and dreams; it is closely tied to mental and physical health and family stability. Nowadays more and more folks have started to “connect the dots” between health and financial security, acknowledging about the interdependence and importance of both but I knew this for many years. Folks are also realizing that financial health is about more than simply having more money. It is about achieving goals and all type of dreams.
While it’s true that “money can’t buy happiness”, it can help reduce stress. Being worried all the time about bills and other finances can take a toll on even the healthiest person. It has been proven that stress is a major contributing factor to unhealthiness and that financial worries are a major contributing factor to stress. Happiness just seems to go hand in hand to reduce the stress created by financial woes.
And it doesn’t require to be a millionaire or “rich” to reduce the stress created by financial woes. In some instances, just a few hundred rupees more each month would reduce the bulk of the stress some people experience each month due to financial concerns. Just a small additional “cushion” is all most folks need in order to breathe a little easier.
Let’s be realistic. How can a person be healthy if they are employed with financial worries? Not only are they dealing with additional stress, but financial worries often turn into choices which may also result in poor health. Consider the food people eat. The reality is that the least expensive food choices are usually the worst ones for our health. High in sodium, refined sugars or preservatives. People end up making food choices to try to save money, which ultimately affects their health in a negative way. And all of these issues, financial and physical, definitely contribute to mentality and It’s hard to be a positive person when it seems like everything is going wrong!
This is why Financial Health is such an important part of the True Health concept. It plays a big role! So, if you understand that just a small cushion could help most folks, imagine what a larger influx of income could achieve. The ability to worry less about financial matters have more free time with friends, loved ones and family, be able to help people you care about, be able to contribute more to your favourite charities or organizations, provide monies for education for your children, help your ageing parents. The possibilities are endless and so are the rewards. Not having to worry about money and having the ability to help others can create harmony in your Financial Health, which can ultimately lead to your own True Health.